Broadening the potentials of musical expressions for the next generation with new sensibilities
The Music and Acoustics Design Program provides necessary knowledge under the instruction of expert instructors, comprised primarily of computer use that is essential for music production of the modern times, with three broad categories of “Music Arrangement”, “Acoustic Technology” and “Media Contents”. Students may concentrate on specializing in one field or can gain a well-balanced learning of multiple fields, but at any rate, it is important for them to gain a proper education of the field they are most interested in.
The necessary curriculum and substantial environment are available in response to such desires as “composing music for movies and dramas”, “provide music by composing vocal music”, “become a recording engineer”, “become a PA engineer”, “become a media content producer” or “work in music and film related occupations”, with means devised for outcomes in short periods of time. A curriculum can also be freely organized to suit the objectives of individuals and lessons can be taken according to the intentions of the students.
Everything that is learned here is beneficial and will all definitely play a positive role in the future.
- Aim to become a general music producer concentrating primarily on DTM with abundant music environments and the latest facilities.
- Instructors are recruited among experts of a broad range of genres. The study not only consists of programming, but also various arrangements, including those of orchestras.
- Take part in numerous events held both on and off campus to gain practical experience. Private lessons provide instructions that are suited for the levels of each individual student.
- Required Courses
- Creative Technique Research I to IV
- Creative Technique Collaboration Research I to IV
- Elective Courses for Specialization
- Popular Music Harmony I & II
- Advanced Harmony
- Contemporary Harmony
- DAW Exercises I, IIA-IIB-IIC
- Introduction to ProTools
- Rhythm Section Writing
- Orchestra Writing
- Visual Practical Training
- Advanced Support Lessons 1 to 4
- Max/MSP Exercises
- Computer Musical Expression
- Studio Recording Exercises 1 to 4
- Sound Engineering
- Fundamental Theory
- Sound Engineering
- Applied Theory
- Acoustic Space Electronics 1 to 4
- Professional Engineer Studio Sessions 1 to 4
- Advanced Arrangement Techniques A to C
- Recording Technology Research 1 to 4
- Media Contents Production Practical Training 1 to 4
- Orchestration
- Film Score Composition Method
- Techno Performance Research 2 to 4
- Wiring Practical Training
- Studio Electronics
- R&P History
- Animation Music Research
- Jazz Harmony I & II
- Graduation Research
- Elective Courses for Specialization & Liberal Arts Courses (common for all programs)
- Access here for details.